ATP Lipidrium 120 Softgels — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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ATP Lipidrium 120 Softgels

by ATP
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Most people understand the importance of omega-3, but many ignore or don’t know the importance of complementary fatty acids.

Lipidrium is a perfect blend of essential fatty acids - including omega-3 and others - that work synergistically to improve blood sugar, immune health, and support fat loss.

Features & Who It’s For:

  • Those wanting to improve body composition and make improvements to overall health
  • Source of omega-3 EPA and DHA
  • Source of GLA for blood sugar and blood pressure support
  • Oleuropein to promote fat utilization as an energy source
  • Source of CLA to support fat loss and healthy cholesterol levels
  • Essential fatty acids and fish oils are tested for dioxins, furans, PCBs and other agents