Believe Flavor Pack 75 Servings — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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Believe Flavor Pack 75 Servings

by Believe
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With flavours and protein now sold separately, you’re finally in control! You no longer have to commit to only one flavor when you purchase a protein tub. You’re now able to switch flavors every day, sweeten it the way you like and finally spice up your favorite protein recipes! We’ll give you a tip, try it with your oatmeal, coffee or blended shakes. You won’t be disappointed!


This new innovation is quite simple: You are now in control of how sweet your protein powder taste.

This product is pure flavoring so all you have to do is pour some unflavored protein in your shaker and then add as much flavoring as you want to it depending on how sweet you like it. Most people will use between (1/2 scoop) to (1 1/2 scoop) of flavoring per scoop of protein.

For those of you who like to do green smoothies or fruit smoothies, you could also use your unflavored protein if you don’t want to affect the natural flavoring of fruits and veggies.

The options are endless!

Our Flavor Packs are all vegan-friendly expect for the Orange Creamsicle which contains a little bit of lactose.
Our Flavor Packs are all sweetened with either sucralose or stevia and there is no added sugar. The reason why we can’t add the sugar-free badge on our products is that they are over 4 calories and according to the food regulations in Canada we’re not allowed to use the sugar-free allegation.