ATP MyoPrime 210g — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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ATP MyoPrime 210g

by ATP

An advanced creatine formulation scientifically formulated to enhance the body’s ability to generate more energy (via ATP).

Features and Who It’s For:

  • Improves power, strength, and exercise performance when used in conjunction with physical training
  • Myoprime is stimulant free which means it can used at any time of day
  • Patented MagnaPower Creatine is creatine bonded to a single magnesium atom to maximize ATP synthesis
  • Patented HMBca improves exercise performance, recovery time, and aerobic capacity
  • Patented PEAK ATP; 400mg per day reduces muscle fatigue and increases overall strength & power output
  • Adequate Vitamin D3 combined with HMB improves muscle strength
  • Manufactured in a cGMP and Informed Choice Certified lab

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