Athletic Alliance Start-BHB 255g — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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Athletic Alliance Start-BHB 255g

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Start-BHB Exogenous Ketones Bodies/Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) work in multiple ways.

Typically it takes people weeks to go into a full state of ketosis, which is when your body switches to BHBs as it’s sole or main fuel source. Your body has to deplete its glycogen stores, flattening out muscle, for this to happen. Well this is no longer the case. Taking what is called a saturation dose, typically 12g of BHB, will put a person into full ketosis. The MCT oil provides a secondary ready source of ketones. Lack of electrolytes during keto dieting is also a common problem, so we included them right in our product! So what’s in Start-BHB? 

  • Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (Ketones) This is the most abundant ketone in the body, typically making up 78% of ketones found in the blood. BHB is the intended final product of ketogenesis.
  • Electrolytes aids in hydration, endurance, circulation and a nutritional transport mechanism.
  • MCT Powder combined with BHB helps lower blood sugar, increase metabolic rate and energy levels.

Benefits of Start-BHB – not just for keto dieters! Amazing for strength, endurance and cognitive function as well! Check it out!

  • Go into full ketosis immediately, keeping glycogen stores intact, muscles look fuller.
  • This keeps your metabolism elevated for longer as you’re not depleted, Allows for flexible dieting E.g. keto weekdays, cheat meals on weekends.
  • *Ideal brain food, can be added any time, diet aside, for a cognitive energy boost. Your brain prefers ketones as they’re a more oxygen efficient fuel source. Consuming Start-BHB will help maximize the cognitive benefits of pre-workout and nootropics!
  • Because they need to be utilized as fuel, taking them prior to exercise provides a second, ready-to-go fuel source allowing for better motor muscle recruitment, great for both strength and endurance training!
  • Can be mixed into Camel-Paks for endurance events, providing both a bio-available fuel source to keep you going as well as the necessary electrolytes to maintain healthy hydration for those long hauls
  • Increases insulin sensitivity and is glycogen sparing, adding to a pre-workout will get and keep more nutrients in the muscle!
  • Because it’s a more oxygen efficient fuel source, it’s perfect for anaerobic work, providing a noticeable strength boost!
  • When bulking, consume before during or after meals to increase the amount of calories stored. Because your body can’t store ketones, it always prioritizes using them for energy, so your body uses less of the consumed calories and stores more of them, creating an artificial calorie surplus! Not only that, but because of the increased insulin sensitivity, you’re more likely to store the calories where you want, IN THE MUSCLE! Plus, you get all the other benefits to cognitive function and energy levels.
  • Provides enough ready energy that it can be used to maximize intermittent fasting or to replace a meal during the day with just a 6g dosage.
  • Amino acids can also pull you out of ketosis, but by adding BHBs to small amount of BCAAs or EAAs you can stay in ketosis.

As you can see, Start-BHB is so much more than just a keto product. It can benefit anyone! It can help launch you into ketosis, lift heavier, last longer, build more lean tissue, improve cognitive performance and help with proper hydration. That’s a LOT of benefits for just one product! So go ahead, try it on its own or:

  • Stack with pre-workout to maximize strength and improve endurance as well as improve absorption and utilization of pre, intra and post-workout nutrition
  • Stack with a good carb product to load up muscle glycogen stores
  • Stack with a nootropic to MAXIMIZE cognitive performance

Typical dosing: saturation (into full ketosis) 12g, meal replacement/boost during fast 6g, all other uses 2-4g

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