BioX Power Whey Isolate 2.72kg — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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BioX Power Whey Isolate 2.72kg

by BioX


POWER WHEY ISOLATE™ is manufactured using an advanced low temperature cross flow microfiltration, ultrafiltration and dia-filtration process. This proprietary process ensures that all of the vital whey fractions are present intact, surpassing the highest standards, this elite whey protein isolate contains the pure essence of protein to help build and repair muscle tissue more efficiently.

  • Most complete & biologically active whey protein supplement available.
  • 100% ultra-pure whey fillers!
  • Virtually lactose, fat and carbohydrate free!




Ingredients: 100% pure cross flow microfiltered ultra-filtered and dia-filtered whey protein isolate, Dutch cocoa powder, natural flavour, xanthan food gum, sucralose, carrageenan, salt

Note: Values and ingredients may be slightly different depending on flavour.

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