Smart Solutions EstroSmart 60 Caps — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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Smart Solutions EstroSmart 60 Caps


Breakouts, pimples or zits are a sign of hormonal imbalances. In women, hormonal acne occurs mid cycle and clears for a few days only to reappear again. Women with hormonal acne secrete testosterone in excessively high amounts causing acne. Hormonal acne is not just a teenage problem. Hormonal acne is also very common during the perimenopause years.

ESTROsmart solves hormonal acne by balancing hormones naturally. Four capsules of ESTROsmart will eliminate hormonal acne within 2 full menstrual cycles. ESTROsmart not only clears acne but makes periods effortless, controls endometriosis, PCOS, breast and ovarian cysts and much more.


  • Maintains healthy estrogen-to-progesterone balance
  • Helps reduce the severity of symptoms associated with recurrent breast pain (cyclical mastalgia)
  • Supports the production of desirable estrogen metabolism
  • Provides antioxidants and factors for BPA detoxification
  • Helps support estrogen metabolism by promoting a higher good estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone) to bad estrogen (16-hydroestrone) ratio
  • Supports estrogen balance
  • Supports detoxification