Bulletproof Brain Octane 473ml — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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Bulletproof Brain Octane 473ml


What's in it?

  • 100% caprylic acid triglycerides from coconut oil
  • Pure caprylic acid harvested from the most ketogenic part of the coconut
  • Caprylic acid, a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), is an energizing, easy-to-digest quality fat

Supercharge your brain

  • Rapidly and efficiently converts into brain-boosting, fat-burning ketone energy
  • Ketones power your brain and can't be stored as fat- unlike carbs and sugar

Go hard, all day

  • Easy-to-digest caprylic acid fuels your cells faster than fat-causing carbs and sugar
  • Converts into energizing ketones that start powering your mind and body within minutes
  • No cravings or energy crashes

Easy to use Brain Octane Oil

The perfect time for a Brain Octane boost is...any time! Brain Octane is completely flavorless, making it a great substitute for your other oils.

  • Blend it into Bulletproof Coffee or Tea
  • Add to smoothies and shakes
  • Drizzle it over your favorite meals
  • Use to make salad dressings, sauces and marinades