Essential Supplements For Your Home Workouts — Popeye's Supplements Ontario Skip to content
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Essential Supplements For Your Home Workouts

Essential Supplements For Your Home Workouts

Essential Supplements For Your Home Workouts

Your home workouts don’t need to be any less rewarding than working out in a fully-equipped fitness facility. If you’re determined to stay on track with your goals, you adapt to whatever situation you face and continue to make progress! Whether you’re using equipment, or simply sticking to bodyweight exercises, this adjustment can seem challenging at first.

It’s important to remember the basics – you don’t need anything overly sophisticated to have an effective home workout. There are numerous resources available to help you find at-home exercises that can work for you. Social media is a great starting point, and the Popeye’s team is continuing to post ideas, tips, and challenges. Use this situation as an opportunity to develop your strength and endurance by introducing variation into your routine.

Remember, you can’t out-train a bad diet. Eating well always plays a critical role in reaching your health and fitness goals and adding supplements is a valuable way to make sure you’re fueling your body with everything it needs.

Working out at home requires more focus and more of an emphasis on your goals and post-workout recovery. Here are some essential supplements you should be using to get the most out of your at-home workouts.


Pre-Workouts – Energy & Focus

You may be needing an extra kick of motivation right now and a strong pre-workout supplement can offer just that and more. Look for a product that provides you with energy and added ingredients to help you achieve your goals. Caffeine is a prominent ingredient available in numerous pre-workout supplements that can add some intensity to your routine. Enhance the motivational and mental energy aspect of your training with a formula that also includes nootropics. Motivate your mind and your body will follow!

Another key ingredient to look out for is citrulline malate. Need something to help get your muscles going? Citrulline will get you pumped, while improving your stamina and blood flow. This is the perfect addition to a muscle-building pre-workout.

Product Spotlight: Magnum Pre Fo® is an extremely concentrated pre-workout formula that includes a full dose of caffeine and citrulline malate. This is the perfect pre-workout to take for your at-home workouts because it also includes nootropics like Bacopa Monnieri Extract to keep you focused. Cut the distractions, maximize energy and intensity while supplementing with a delicious candy flavor of Magnum Pre Fo®.



Isolate Proteins – Post-Workout Recovery

A high-quality, isolate protein formula is critical for recovery and muscle growth. You need that quick flood of protein right after your workout and a sustained steady flow to create the perfect environment for lean muscle creation. Slow digesting, rich protein provides sustained amino acid elevations and muscle growth that lasts all day long.

Product Spotlight: Magnum Quattro® is a Pharmaceutical Grade, 4-stage protein isolate formula with four different sources of isolate protein for timed digestion. This low carb, no lactose formula will feed your muscles throughout your day. Magnum Quattro® is the fuel you need to attain optimal results from your workouts.


Fat Burners – Goal Specific

Your supplements, just like your overall training routine, should be tailored towards the goal you’re trying to achieve. Are you focused on dropping the extra pounds you put on during quarantine? Supplement with a fat burner that will keep your body in an optimal state to burn fat.

There are multiple fat burners designed to get you fired up to burn calories at an accelerated pace. While working out at home, you may want something that’s formulated to burn fat while providing you with energy from sources like ketones. This added element of mental focus and clarity is a welcome benefit to home workouts that need a little more effort and emphasis.

Product Spotlight: Fasted Cardio is a new fat burning powder that will help you get the most out of any training session. It’s designed to get you motivated, energized, and fired up to support your weight loss goals. Fasted Cardio is Magnum’s newest product and it’s formulated to be the optimal fat burning, pre-workout supplement. 


Nootropics – Bonus!

Have you also shifted to working from home, or studying and taking your classes online? Maybe you just need some support gaming or developing your new hobbies. Consider supplementing with a nootropic, formulated to increase your brain’s ability to process data, remember more information, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Product Spotlight: Magnum Mane Brain® contains clinically-proven ingredients including Organic Lion’s Mane, L-Tyrosine, Alpha-GPC, L-Theanine, and Huperzine A. These ingredients will optimize your ability to focus on any task you choose to take on. Feel the brain-boosting effects of Mane Brain from the very first dose!


Supplements allow you to enhance the effects of your workout routine, even while at home. Your training plans may have changed but you can still reach your goals by dedicating yourself to an at-home workout schedule, following a specific diet, and supplementing with the right products.



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Al - December 7, 2021

Why is everything you suggested from Magnum?

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